Our therapeutic services benefit children and young people who have recognised medical conditions or learning, social and emotional difficulties and all those who simply require some additional support with aspects of their development.

We tailor our approach to an individual and any circumstances which may surround him/her. We work to identify and understand that individual’s specific needs and then develop a targeted intervention strategy which is practicable, within the context of the resources and support available. Where required, our work can be utilised for formal purposes, such as education, health and care plan (EHCP) applications, reviews or tribunals.

We can deliver any prescribed interventions or provide guidance and training to those on whom the responsibility may fall (eg professionals or parents/guardians).

We recognise that we do not work in isolation and that the care, education and medical needs of individuals may be supported by other professionals and organisations from the public and private sectors. We embrace collaborative working with all relevant parties.


What is occupational therapy?

Paediatric occupational therapists work with children and young people with physical, sensory or cognitive difficulties, to help them to achieve and maintain independence in the activities (occupations) of everyday life. They do this by assessing an individual’s needs and devising an intervention strategy which facilitates the acquisition and development of skills.

Occupations for children and young people include personal care (eg grooming, getting dressed or eating), learning (eg attending nursery or school) and socialising (eg playing with friends).

How can we help?

At Shine Therapy Services, we can assess and develop intervention strategies for:

  • fine and gross motor skills
  • independence skills
  • dyspraxia
  • feeding difficulties
  • handwriting
  • visual perception/visual motor integration


What is speech and language therapy?

Paediatric speech and language therapists work with children and young people with speech, language and/or communications difficulties. They do this by assessing an individual’s needs and devising an intervention strategy which facilitates the acquisition and development of skills.

How can we help?

At Shine Therapy Services, we can provide assistance with general and specialist areas of speech and language therapy:

  • attention and listening
  • understanding what others say
  • using first words and putting sentences together
  • remembering which words to use and what they mean
  • knowing how to use communication in social situations
  • unclear speech
  • stammering/stuttering
  • phonological disorders/verbal dyspraxia
  • developmental language disorder

We have training and experience in a range of therapy techniques, including the Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme, Word Aware, Lego therapy, the Talkabout Programme, Attention and Listening in the Early Years and methods of alternative or augmentative communication (AAC), such as picture exchange communication systems (PECS), Makaton and Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP).


What is sensory integration (SI)?

Our senses provide us with information about our body and its relationship to the environment around us. They tell us where our body is positioned in space, how our body is moving, what is happening in the environment and what impact the environment is having on our body, as well as helping us to know how to respond effectively to task and environmental demands.

SI (also known as sensory processing) is the process through which sensory inputs into our sensory systems are received, organised, interpreted and turned into purposeful physical and behavioural responses by our central nervous system.

Sometimes, sensory integration does not develop as efficiently as it should. We can all show signs of sensory integration difficulties – but, for those individuals for whom it has a clear impact on daily life, it is recognised as a clinical disorder – sensory processing disorder (SPD).

Individuals can be affected in different ways and to varying degrees. Symptoms can include:

  • oversensitivity to, or avoidance of, sensory stimulation from touch, noise etc.
  • actively seeking sensory stimulation, such as through movement, rough play or big hugs etc.
  • lack of awareness of, or slow response to, sensory stimulation.
  • difficulty in performing fine or gross motor tasks.
  • fluctuating arousal levels and presentations of behaviour.

How can we help?

At Shine Therapy Services, we can assess for SPD. Furthermore, we can provide intervention strategies and/or deliver therapy sessions.